
Transport triggered architectures are used for implementing bio-inspired systems due to their simplicity, modularity and fault-tolerance. However, producing efficient, optimised machine code for such architectures is extremely difficult, since computational complexity has moved from the hardware-level to the software-level. Presented is the application of Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) to the evolution of machine code for a simple implementation of transport triggered architecture. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by evolving machine code for a 4-bit multiplier with three different levels of parallelism. The results show that 100% successful solutions were found by CGP and by further optimising the size of the solutions, it’s possible to find efficient implementations of the 4-bit multiplier. Further analysis of the solutions showed that use of loops within the CGP function set could be beneficial and was demonstrated by repeating the earlier 4-bit multiplier experiment with the addition of a loop function.

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