
This paper proposes a conceptual method to calculate the pose of a stereo-vision camera relative to an artificial mandible without additional markers. The general method for marker-free navigation has four steps: 1) parallel image acquisition by a stereo-vision camera, 2) automatic identification of 2d point pairs (landmark pairs) in a left and a right image, 3) calculation of related 3d points in the joint camera coordinate system and 4) matching of 3d points generated to a preoperative 3d model (i.e.,CT data based). To identify and compare landmarks in the acquired stereo images, well-known algorithms for landmark detection, description and matching were compared within the developed approach. Finally, the BRISK algorithm (Leutenegger S, Chli M, Siegwart RY. BRISK: Binary Robust invariant scalable keypoints. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision; 2011: 2548-2555) was used. The proposed method was implemented in MATLAB® and validated in vitro with one artificial mandible. The accuracy evaluation of the camera positions calculated resulted in an average deviation error of 1.45mm±0.76mm to the real camera displacement. This value was calculated using only stereo images with over 100 reconstructed landmark pairs each. This provides the basis for marker-free navigation.

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