
Face masks detection and Temperature scanner is an IoT device, that prevents the spread of Corona virus to people. This is done by ensuring that each and everyone are wearing mask and body temperature is less than the ambient temperature. Mask monitoring often requires additional staff resources. Some of the symptoms of covid-19 include fever, tiredness, sore throat, nasal congestion, loss of taste and smell. In most cases, it's transmitted directly (person to person) through respiratory droplets, but also indirectly via surfaces. Therefore, by using face mask and sanitizer, we can prevent the spread of corona virus. However, the crucial problem is that they are lack of approved vaccine and drugs to fight against corona virus. Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) is a feature descriptor used to detect objects in computer vision and image processing. The HOG descriptor technique counts occurrences of gradient orientation in localized portions of an image - detection window, or region of interest (ROI). This helps in accurate detection of mask. MLX90614 is a temperature sensor, that efficiently detects the body temperature of a person.

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