
Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) is a model for parallel computing with predictable scalability. BSP has a cost model: programs can be assigned a cost which describes their resource usage on any parallel machine. However, the programmer has to manually derive this cost. This paper describes an automatic method for the derivation of BSP program costs, based on classic cost analysis and approximation of polyhedral integer volumes. Our method requires and analyzes programs with textually aligned synchronization and textually aligned, polyhedral communication. We have implemented the analysis and our prototype obtains cost formulas that are parametric in the input parameters of the program and the parameters of the BSP computer and thus bound the cost of running the program with any input on any number of cores. We evaluate the cost formulas and find that they are indeed upper bounds, and tight for data-oblivious programs. Additionally, we evaluate their capacity to predict concrete run times in two parallel settings: a multi-core computer and a cluster. We find that when exact upper bounds can be found, they accurately predict run-times. In networks with full bisection bandwidth, as the BSP model supposes, results are promising with errors < 50%.

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