
In recent times, the use of face masks has emerged as a critical subject. Automated facial mask detection can curb the transmission of the COVID-19 virus and SARS-VIRUS within communal areas by identifying individuals who are not utilizing masks. In this work, a pretrained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with model ResNet-50, which is initially trained on the Image Net competition data, is utilized. This model is augmented with a 300-linear layer network and fine-tuned on a dataset that comprises 1,000 facial images. During the evaluation of the validation dataset consisting of approximately 800 face images, the model achieved an impressive 99% accuracy. Its primary objective is to discover if an individual is wearing a facial mask using a cropped image of their face. By leveraging such advanced technologies, we can contribute significantly to public health and safety measures in the ongoing battle against COVID-19 and SARS-VIRUS.Keywords:CNNCOVID-19Face Mask Detection (FMD) SARSDOI: 10.22401/ANJS.26.4.12*corresponding author email: farah.saad@nahrainuniv.edu.iqThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License1.Introduction COVID-19 (CO ronaVIrus Disease of 2019) and SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) are two viral respiratory illnesses caused by coronaviruses, both of which have had important global impacts on public health [1]. These contagious diseases emerged in different time frames but share similarities in their mode of transmission and clinical presentation, prompting the search for effective non-pharmaceutical strategies to mitigate their spread [2]. One essential strategy to reduce the transmission of respiratory droplets, which can carry the viruses, is the widespread adoption of face masks in public spaces. However, monitoring and ensuring compliance with mask-wearing practices in crowded areas can be challenging, particularly in densely populated regions. Automatic face mask detection (FMD) systems powered by advanced technologies offer a potential solution to this challenge [3]. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and deep learning techniques have demonstrated remarkable success in computer vision tasks, including image classification [4]. In this context, utilizing pretrained CNN models, such as ResNet-50, has shown promising results for identifying faces wearing or not wearing masks. In this work, we explore applying a pretrained ResNet-50 CNN model fine-tuned on a well-balanced dataset of 12,000cropped photos of faces with and without masks. The goal is to create an accurate and reliable FMD (Face Mask Detection) system that can automatically identify individuals who are not wearing masks in public spaces. Through this work, we aim to contribute to the expanding realm of research on FMD as a crucial tool to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. The successful implementation of such technology has the ability to play a significant role in safeguarding public health, improving safety measures, and aiding in the ongoing battle against COVID-19 and SARS in various community settings.

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