
Successful multidisciplinary treatment of skull base pathology requires precise preoperative planning. Current surgical approach (pathway) selection for these complex procedures depends on an individual surgeon's experiences and background training. Because of anatomical variation in both normal tissue and pathology (eg, tumor), a successful surgical pathway used on one patient is not necessarily the best approach on another patient. The question is how to define and obtain optimized patient-specific surgical approach pathways? In this article, we demonstrate that the surgeon's knowledge and decision making in preoperative planning can be modeled by a multiobjective cost function in a retrospective analysis of actual complex skull base cases. Two different approaches- weighted-sum approach and Pareto optimality-were used with a defined cost function to derive optimized surgical pathways based on preoperative computed tomography (CT) scans and manually designated pathology. With the first method, surgeon's preferences were input as a set of weights for each objective before the search. In the second approach, the surgeon's preferences were used to select a surgical pathway from the computed Pareto optimal set. Using preoperative CT and magnetic resonance imaging, the patient-specific surgical pathways derived by these methods were similar (85% agreement) to the actual approaches performed on patients. In one case where the actual surgical approach was different, revision surgery was required and was performed utilizing the computationally derived approach pathway.

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