
Sample preparation for mass spectrometry-based proteomics has many tedious and time-consuming steps that can introduce analytical errors. In particular, the steps around the proteolytic digestion of protein samples are prone to inconsistency. One route for reliable sample processing is the development and optimization of a workflow utilizing an automated liquid handling workstation. Diligent assessment of the sample type, protocol design, reagents, and incubation conditions can significantly improve the speed and consistency of preparation. When combining robust liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with either discovery or targeted methods, automated sample preparation facilitates increased throughput and reproducible quantitation of biomarker candidates. These improvements in analysis are also essential to process the large patient cohorts necessary to validate a candidate biomarker for potential clinical use. This article reviews the steps in the workflow, optimization strategies, and known applications in clinical, pharmaceutical, and research fields that demonstrate the broad utility for improved automation of sample preparation in the proteomic field.

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