
In order to remain competitive in the global market, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are developing a process-based, knowledge-driven product development environment with emphasis on the acquisition, storing, and utilization of manufacturing knowledge. This is usually achieved by using the symbolic artificial intelligence (AI) approach. Specifically, knowledge-based expert systems are developed to capture human expertise, mostly in terms of IF–THEN production rules. It has been recognized that the development of symbolic knowledge-based expert systems suffers from the so-called knowledge acquisition bottleneck. Knowledge acquisition is the process of collecting domain knowledge and transforming the knowledge into a computerized representation. It is a challenging and time-consuming process due to the difficulties involved in eliciting knowledge from human experts. This paper presents an automated approach for knowledge acquisition by integrating neural networks' learning ability and fuzzy logic's structured knowledge representation. Using this approach, knowledge is automatically acquired from data and represented using humanly intelligible fuzzy rules. The approach is applied to a case study of the design and manufacturing of micromachined atomizers for gas turbine engine. The influence of geometric features on the performance of the atomizers is investigated. The results are then compared with those obtained using traditional regression analysis approach (abstract mathematical models). It was found that the automated approach provides an efficient means for knowledge acquisition. Since the fuzzy rules extracted are easy to understand, they can be used to allow more clear specification of manufacturing processes and to shorten learning curves for novice manufacturing engineers.

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