
The design and performance of an automated system for flexure testing of optical fiber gratings is described. In addition to flexing (bending) a fiber grating through a specified curvature range, the system can change the axial rotational orientation of the grating relative to the plane of curvature. Flexure is accomplished by holding the grating against a smooth plastic platform. A linear stage deflects the center of the pinned platform to create a curved surface. Two small weights, hanging on the optical fiber, hold the fiber grating against the curved platform and provide constant tension on the optical fiber over the entire range of curvatures. The fiber grating is axially rotated to a different orientation by returning the platform to zero curvature, removing the weights from the optical fiber, and rotating the optical fiber about its axis using a pair of rotation stages. After replacing the weights on the optical fiber, flexure testing resumes at the new axial rotational orientation. The grating transmission spectrum during flexure is monitored with a broadband source and optical spectrum analyzer. All of these steps are done in an automated fashion (unattended) under computer program control. The testing system allows complete characterization of the fiber grating response for curvatures from 0 to 4 m−1 and for axial rotational orientations from 0° to 360°. Use of this automated test fixture eliminates the need for human intervention during the measurements and greatly decreases the testing time while still allowing complete characterization of the flexure response with axial rotational orientation as a parameter. Additional advantages of the testing system include an absolute zero curvature starting position, an absence of hysteresis effects, and accurate frictionless rotation.

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