
Buildings consume large amount of energy in Pakistan such as: School/ University, office etc. As a result, a large amount of energy is being wasted. The largest and fastest-growing application for lighting controls is energy management. To reduce the electricity consumption in Electronic Department’s building, we first measured and analyzed the energy consumption of the building before and after the implementation of occupancy based energy saving systems. Occupancy sensors are used to control various devices (like Heating, ventilation and air conditioning devices, tube lights, fans, projector etc.). After studying various research papers, we came to the conclusion that by using occupancy sensors, we can save the energy of Electronic department up to 30% for lights, fans and projector. Almost all sensors which are used with the energy saving system use timer (preset) which will produce a time delay (when the last motion is detected by the sensor, the lights/fans will be turned OFF after certain period of time which is set by the timer). If this TD set by the Arduino is long then, it will save less energy, as the load will remain switched ON during unoccupied period also. At the same time, if the TD set by the Arduino is short then it may result in false detection (false OFF) of the lights and fan when there is no motion detected. In our research, we have observed that the energy consumption of may change over the day, also the activity of different user is different. Therefore, multiple time day will be suitable based on the activity of particular user. In this paper, we propose the design of automated energy saving system in which we will can change the time delay according to the needs of user. A model is also suitable for a person who is sitting at one position and working at a computer. Automated energy saving system had understood the variations in activity level of the user with respect to their working hours. Based on this information, it can change the time delay according to the working hours of the user. We have perform an experiment that our proposed system will save the additional 5% of the energy with multiple time delay.

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