
<span lang="EN-US">The Chilca 2 thermoelectric power plant, located in the province of Lima, Peru, has an open cycle gas turbine and a combined cycle steam turbine, whose combined capacity is 112.8 MW (Mega Watts). This plant requires auxiliary equipment for its operation, which is why it consists of electrical systems, lubrication system, hydraulic ventilation, pumps, vacuum systems and drainage of condensate generated by the difference in temperature in the steam conductor. Said drainage system is inside a 5-meter-deep basement that, being exposed to the elements, is exposed to falling drops of water that are generated by the vapors that are released due to the difference in temperature, repeatedly flooding and exposing to hazards that affect the normal operation of the thermoelectric plant. The proposed solution is based on the philosophy of a feedback control system, which uses a programmable logic controller (PLC) Siemens 1214AC/DC/Relay programmable logic controller, which, through a frequency inverter, activates the drainage pumps; the frequency range at which the variator works is linked to a 4-position level sensor. The result shows that it was possible to activate the frequency variator in a controlled manner through frequencies of 10 Hz, 30 Hz </span><span lang="EN-US">and 60 Hz, in this way a sustained operation of the drainage system is guaranteed.</span>

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