
Nowadays, libraries contain hundreds of books that need to be handled properly by the librarian alone. So, this becomes a time consuming process and a lot of manual work is required. Also, keeping count of the books becomes tedious. To overcome this issue, we have automated the library management system using RFID technology which will make the handling of a large number of books simple. Not only does this technology help in easing the work at library but also has made tracking of assets, inventory management and material handling easy in other fields. In this project, we have used RFID as a continuous scanner to keep a count of the books. This will keep the librarian updated about the number of books available at the start and end of the day through a database. Another reader is used to scan the user’s library card and the book. The books contain RFID tags that are continuously monitored by the reader and if there’s been an issuing error the RFID scanner at the entrance sounds an alarm to notify of the unissued book, this is where the security aspect of RFID comes into play. The project revolves around the use of a microcontroller ATMEGA 328p, to control the RFID system. The microcontroller is interfaced with the RFID system, LCD and buzzer. LCD displays the details of the issuing/reissuing of the books (and the details of the user membership). This project is mainly implemented keeping in mind the reduction of the human efforts needed otherwise through a fully automated library guided by the RFID technology to aid in fast transaction.

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