
Face is the representation of one’s identity. So, we have prepared an automated student attendance system based on face recognition. This system is very useful in daily life applications especially in security and surveillance systems. The security systems on airport uses face recognition to identify suspects and the CBI (CentralBureau of Investigation) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) uses face recognition for criminal investigations. In our project also video framing is performed by accessing the camera through user friendly interface. The Face is detected and segmented from the video frame by using HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradient) algorithm. In the first step or we can say in pre-processing stage, scaling of the size of the image is performed in order to prevent or reduce the loss of information. Then in next step, the ‘median filtering’ is applied to remove noise followed by the conversion of colour imageinto grayscale image. After that, CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equation) is applied on the images to enhance the contrastof the image. Overall, we have created a program in python that take theimage from the database and make all the necessary conversions for recognition and then verifies the image inthe videos or in the real time by accessing the camera through user friendly interface. After the successful matchis found then it marks the name and time of the person in attendance sheet.

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