
Driver distraction, crucial for road safety, can benefit from multimodal physiological signals assessment. However, fusion of heterogeneous data is highly challenging. In this study, we address this challenge by exploring 1D convolution neural network (CNN) with squeeze and excitation networks (SEcNN) on multimodal data. For this, electrocardiogram (256Hz) and respiration (128Hz) are obtained from subjects (N=10) while using textile electrodes and driving in different scenarios namely normal, texting and calling. The obtained multimodal data is preprocessed and SEcNN to identify driver distraction. Experiments are performed using Leave-one-out-subject cross validation. The proposed approach is able to discriminate drivers distraction. It is observed that SEcNN yields average accuracy 57.03% and average F1 score 54.90% for shorter segments. Thus, the proposed approach using wearable shirts could be useful for non-intrusive monitoring in real world driver scenarios.

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