
The idea of a finite automaton walking in a labyrinth goes back to Shannon /I/. In the last years this problem has been further investigated by D~pp /2/, M~ller /3/ and Budach /4/. DSpp posed the following question: Does there exist a finite initial automaton that finds a way out of every finite plane open labyrinth from any initial position and finally moves arbitrarily far away ? MGller and Budach gave negative answers to this question, where Budach used DSpp's original definitions, while MGller treated a graph-theoretical variant of D~pp's formulation. It is the aim of this note to show how some quite natural extensions of the computational power of the automaton (called mouse by Shannon) will affect the answer to this question. We allow the mouse to be either a finite automaton, a pushdown transducer, a linear bounded automaton, or a Turing machine. In the first to cases the answer to DSpp's question is negative, while an algorithmic solution for linear bounded automata exists, such that every open labyrinth may be mastered by such mice independent from the starting point. The negative answer in the case of pushdown transducers depends on the fact that there are labyrinths where pushdown transducers have the same computational power as finite automata (which may not master these labyrinths).

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