
Purpose – The aim of the considerations is the evaluation and modelling of spatial relations of selected characteristics of socio-economic development of communities in the Lubuskie Voivodship as well as identification of the communities for which these relations are of crucial importance.Research method – Methods of spatial econometrics and statistics were used to study formation of phenomena depending on the location of a given object in space. Among them, the analysis used global and local measures of spatial autocorrelation and the spatial autoregression model. The following characteristics were taken into account: the registered unemployment rate, the number of enterprises registered in REGON, the number of beds in tourist facilities and the income of communes due to PIT tax.Results – The obtained score indicates the existence of significant spatial dependencies in formation of distinguished characteristics and allows to define specific local patterns in the region. The spatial autoregression model allows to explain the relations between the unemployment rate and the number of enterprises as well as investment outlays of communes.Originality / value – In the literature on the subject it can be found that this kind of research is carried out either at the level of regions of the European Union or voivodships or districts in the country. Studies at the municipal level, which were carried out on the basis of statistical data for 2016, are less frequent.


  • The aim of the considerations is the evaluation and modelling of spatial relations of selected characteristics of socio-economic development of communities in the Lubuskie Voivodship as well as identification of the communities for which these relations are of crucial importance

  • Research method – Methods of spatial econometrics and statistics were used to study formation of phenomena depending on the location of a given object in space

  • The following characteristics were taken into account: the registered unemployment rate, the number of enterprises registered in REGON, the number of beds in tourist facilities and the income of communes due to PIT tax

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Purpose – The aim of the considerations is the evaluation and modelling of spatial relations of selected characteristics of socio-economic development of communities in the Lubuskie Voivodship as well as identification of the communities for which these relations are of crucial importance. The spatial autoregression model allows to explain the relations between the unemployment rate and the number of enterprises as well as investment outlays of communes. Rozwój ten definiowany jest jako zharmonizowane i systematyczne działanie społeczności lokalnej, władzy lokalnej oraz innych podmiotów funkcjonujących w gminie, zmierzające do kreowania nowych i poprawy już istniejących walorów użytkowych gminy, tworzenia korzystnych warunków dla lokalnej gospodarki, w tym zapewnienia ładu przestrzennego i ekologicznego [Brol, 1998, s. Wpływ czynników przestrzennych na rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy gmin wynika z ich umiejscowienia w układzie gospodarczym kraju i regionu, w skład którego wchodzą oraz z istniejących powiązań z innymi gminami. Celem badań jest ocena i modelowanie związków przestrzennych wybranych cech rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego gmin w województwie lubuskim oraz identyfikacja tych gmin, dla których związki te są istotne.

Metoda badania
Autokorelacja przestrzenna wybranych cech rozwoju gmin
Model autoregresji przestrzennej w badaniu stopy bezrobocia gmin
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