
Abstract Autoimmune movement disorders are important to recognize when they aretreatable,and earlytreatmentimprovesoutcomes. Wepresent therecentparadigmsidentifiedinautoimmune encephalopathy including diagnostic guidelines, autoantibody pathogen-esis, and therapeutic considerations. We describe the autoimmune encephalitidesassociatedwithmovementdisorderssuchasN-methyl D -aspartatereceptorencephalitisandbasalgangliaencephalitis,theautoimmunemovementdisorders(nonencephalitic)such as opsoclonus–myoclonus–ataxia syndrome and Sydenham chorea, and move-ment disorders associated with systemic autoimmune disorders. In all these disorders,recurrent therapeutic themes areas follows: early immunetherapy improves outcome,adequate immune therapy should be used to achieve complete remission, and relapseprevention reduces disability. receivedApril 5, 2015accepted after revisionApril 6, 2015Issue Theme Movement Disorders;Guest Editors: Nardo Nardocci, MD,and Giovanna Zorzi, MDCopyright © by Georg Thieme Verlag KG,Stuttgart · New YorkDOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0035-1558860.ISSN 1304-2580.

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