
Ignition delay times have been measured for gas-phase mixtures of aviation kerosene Jet-A with air at pressures of 10 and 20atm. The experiments have been carried out in a heated shock tube at a heating temperature of 150°C. The measurements have been performed for the lean, stoichiometric and rich mixtures (ϕ=0.5,1,2) behind the reflected shock wave in the temperature range of 1040–1380K. Ignition delay times have been measured using OH∗ emission at 309nm and –CH3 absorption at 3.39μm. The obtained results are in agreement with the results of other groups. The experimental data have been summarized in a single expression:τign=1.31×10-3[μs]·(P/1[atm])-0.67·ϕ-0.6·exp(30.4[kcal/mol]/RT),where ϕ is the equivalence ratio. The measured ignition delay times for Jet-A/air mixtures are given in Annex tables.

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