
The analysis and interpretation of the combustion chemistry is greatly simplified by using simple mixtures of pure components, referred to as surrogates, in lieu of fully-blended transportation fuels, such as gasoline. Recognizing that the ability to model autoignition chemistry is critical to understanding the operation of Homogeneous Charged Compression Ignition engines, this work is an attempt to experimentally and computationally assess the autoignition responses of research grade gasoline and two of its proposed surrogates reported in the literature using a rapid compression machine (RCM), for the low-to-intermediate temperature range and at high pressures. The first surrogate studied is a three-component mixture of iso-octane, n-heptane, and toluene. The second is a four-component mixture that includes an olefin (2-pentene), in addition to the ones noted above. Ignition delay times of stoichiometric mixtures, for gasoline and the two surrogates in air, are measured using an RCM for pressures of 20 and 40bar, and in the temperature range of 650–900K. The four-component surrogate is found to emulate the ignition delay times of gasoline more closely when compared to the three-component surrogate. Additionally, the experimental data are compared against the computed results from a recently developed surrogate model for gasoline combustion. A good agreement between the experimental and computed results is observed, while discrepancies are also identified and discussed.

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