
The most valuable thing in today’s world is time, people are referring those things which consumes less time. Billing in Shopping mall takes lot of time. Billing of products from mall is quite difficult because it takes more time as people have to wait for a long time in a queue for billing .Looking at the advancement in technology, we came up with an innovative idea of “Smart Shopping Cart for Automatic Billing in Supermarket”. This project consists of RFID reader, motion detector sensor, Liquid Crystal Display, push buttons, switches . If user wants to use smart trolley functions then start button should be pressed. When a user put some product in trolley then its code will be detected using RFID reader and cost of a product added to the list and sensor will sense the direction of motion of the product for fault detection and buzzer will be on if fault detected. In case, if user wants to remove some product then user should press the remove switch and product code will be detected by RFID reader and again for any false activity buzzer will be on. At last, counter with least number of queues will be detected and displayed on the cart LCD.

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