
The aim of this paper is to investigate and present concepts of the author and his/her copyright work in copyright legislation that entered into force in Croatia from 1846 to 2007. 17 legal documents (acts, corrigenda, amendments) were investigated using the content analysis method. The analysis of the results gives an insight into various cultural and sociological dimensions of authorship in the given time-frame. Special attention was paid to definitions of the author and his/her copyright work, examples of copyright works and exceptions related to the duration of copyright for different kinds of copyright works. As there had been no systematic overview of such legal documents in the available literature, they were briefly described in the first part of the paper, highlighting the important articles that stress the role of authors and their copyright work. In the analysis and summary we provide a systematic overview of the main concepts, with a special review of copyright laws in relation to new technologies and artistic forms: it is their relationship that testifies to the complexity of the term 'copyright work'. The paper shows that the basic perception of the author, his/her copyright works and their relations in the analysed copyright legislation has not changed significantly during this period of time. All legal documents refer to the examples of copyright work, and in 1957 a definition of copyright work was included, according to which copyright work is every spiritual (later referred to as intellectual) creation. The concept of the author is strongly linked with the concept of author's copyright work. Various examples of copyright works allow us to see the difference between works that are permanent (e.g. literary works, music works, art works) and works that are yet to be protected by copyright thanks to the development of technology and new features of artistic expression (e.g. photography, movies, computer programs). The process of getting copyright is reflected in articles that regulate the duration of copyright.


  • The aim of this paper is to investigate and present concepts of the author and his/her copyright work in copyright legislation that entered into force in Croatia from 1846 to 2007. 17 legal documents (acts, corrigenda, amendments) were investigated using the content analysis method

  • In the analysis and summary we provide a systematic overview of the 251 main concepts, with a special review of copyright laws in relation to new technologies

  • Industrijska svojina i autorsko pravo: drugo, prerađeno izdanje

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Zakoni Austrijske Carevine i Austro-Ugarske Monarhije

Ni ovaj izrijekom ne definira autorsko djelo ili autora. Umnažanje djela bez dopuštenja autora smatra se njegovim prisvajanjem, a Zakon ne pravi razliku je li djelo u cjelini ili djelomice neovlašteno korišteno. U prvome odsjeku Zakona navedena je definicija autora: „Autorom izašlog djela smatra se, dok se ne dokaže protivno, onaj, čije se pravo ime navede kao ime autorovo, kada djelo izagje.“6 Autorskim se djelima tim Zakonom smatraju knjige, brošure, časopisi, zbirke pjesama, dramska djela, predavanja, crteži, karte, slike, glazbena djela s tekstom ili bez teksta kao i djela iz područja umjetnosti i fotografije. Zakon obuhvaća djela u cijelosti i njihove pojedine dijelove, a djelo se smatra objavljenim kada u originalu ili reprodukciji postane javno voljom autora ili ovlaštenika autorskog prava. Zakonom se kao autorska djela ne štite zakoni, naredbe, službene odluke i rješenja, spisi, poslovne odluke, katalozi, cjenici, upute i govori

Zakoni socijalističke Jugoslavije
Zakoni Republike Hrvatske
Koncepcije autora i autorskog djela
Trajanje autorskog prava
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