
Some typing errors like in Figures 23 and 24 must be corrected from "n = 1" to "n = 4" according to the kind suggestion of our colleagues. Wave impedance does not deal with antenna performance, but instead with wave propagation. However, the calculations have been performed by means of software WIPL-D according to Figure 1 and for several antenna heights. These results are presented in Tables 1 and 2 along the x- and y-axes in numerical form. In this article, the theoretical transmitting top-loaded monopole antenna gain GT (dBi) corresponds to its directivity DT (dBi) according to Table 3 because it was calculated over perfect ground (no losses); in this case, at the frequency of f = 200 kHz. Traditionally, any analyzed transmitting monopole— its radiated waves reflected by perfect ground—are taken into account as produced by the antenna image underground. The image effect is increasing the antenna gain, effective antenna length, and antenna factor. Its transmitting equivalent area AeT can be calculated by the antenna numerical gain gT through the isotropic source effective area. Equations for these calculations are shown.

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