
Positive study on the German family was pioneered already in 1930's by A. Salomon, M. Baum, M. Horkheimer, E. Fromm and others. After the interruption of the study by Nazism was over, it was resumed by a number of sociologists with many successive findings. Outstanding of them are R. Konig, H. Thurwald, H. Schelsky, G. Baument, G. Wurzbacher and R. Myntz, Studies of Baument, Wurzbacher and Konig, in particular, are of special interest to us.In the first place, their studies, though the setting of problem and the method of approach are different in a measure, can copewith these of a group of American sociologists, such as R. Cavan, F. Dotson, M. Sussman, S. Greer, M. Axelrod, W. Bell, M. Boat, E. Wilkenning, who are concerned with the structure of family relationships in America. Especially camparable are the studies of H. Ingelsoll. C. Stone, P. Landis, D. Heer, R. Blood and R. Amblin who focus on differential authority vested apon specific family members or the structure of such authority. From this point of view we can make a comparative study between German and American families.Secondly, the new family code, based upon the Bonn Constitution, has been enacted recently after many hot discussions and difficulties. The code provides various prescriptions to set forth the principle of sex equality, but our concern is with how the principle is, apart from these prescriptions, acknowledged in everyday life of west German family who live in the capitalist society. Studies of Banmert, Wurzbacher and Konig would give us a clue to this point.Thirdly, they are, as German sociologists studying German family, comparable with foreign, especially American sociologists who undertook the study on German family soon after the World War II. Moreover, their studies enable us to know the trend of the the sociology of family in West German. Fourthly, since what has occurred to the German family is very similar to that of Japanese family, the study on German family will provide us reflections and suggestions to the study on the Japanese family.From these views and ideas, the writer shall study in this note the structure of family relations in Germany, especially the authority structure in the relationship of husband and wife, by examining research findings of above mentioned German sociologist.

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