
The dynamics of pastoral work, ministry and relationship hinges on the practical aspects of collaboration, leadership and service. The research uses the constructive and experiential method. By it, we shall explore the exercise of authority ranging from the Christian Holy Scriptures. We shall further espouse the position of the Magisterium of the Church, to locate how she exercises authority by service-love-effective leadership. Jesus Christ, in His human life exercised kenotic-servant-leadership with humility-love-power. Thus, from Him, the Church by Apostolic Mandate (cf. Matt. 28: 19ff) draws her power to exercise, live and execute authority leading people to salvation. In the Catholic Church, authority is exercise by the power of the Trinity, through the charism of sacramental ordination and the bestowal of baptismal character – a reform Pope Francis – affirms most be at the very root of ecclesial life in the 21st century. This must be the motivation by which all members of the Church need to exercise to evangelise with vigor and determination guided by love and service in order to participate fully in the life and mission of the Church to make disciples of all nations in the 21st century. The act or task of evangelization as ever before, most be the mission of the Church that ought to be propel by Christocentric mandate.

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