
This study sought to investigate further the dependency of authoritarian attitudes on field dependence by using a factor analytically derived measure of authoritarian attitudes, the F + D scale. 523 college Ss completed the F + D scale, and the high and low scorers were selected from the extreme ends of the male distribution of 264 Ss. 20 Ss in each extreme group were individually administered Jackson's Short Form of the Embedded Figures Test (EFT), a measure of field dependence. High F + D scorers required significantly more time to complete the EFT than did low F + D scorers. They also obtained significantly lower SCAT verbal and total scores than did low F + D scorers. These two sets of findings were interpreted as resulting from the contrasting cognitive styles of the two F + D groups. It was concluded that, as measured by the tests in this study, high F + D scorers were more field dependent and less intelligent than low F + D scorers.

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