
Thank you for responding to our Ophthalmic Technology Assessment (OTA): Assessment of Visual Function in Glaucoma.1Jampel H.D. Singh K. Lin S.C. et al.Assessment of visual function in glaucoma: a report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.Ophthalmology. 2011; 118: 986-1002Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (69) Google Scholar The authors note that micro-perimetry may supplant conventional white-on-white perimetry as the functional test of choice for glaucoma, and cite several references. Due to the inevitable delay between the comprehensive literature search and the printing of an OTA, we are always going to miss important publications that appear after our literature search is complete, in this case May 2010. By the time of the close of our search, we did not feel that the micro-perimetry literature had reached a critical mass necessary for inclusion in this OTA. Doubtless there are proponents of other technologies not included in this OTA who feel as you do. Asssessment of visual function in glaucoma is a rapidly changing area that will certainly merit another OTA in a few years. I hope that you are correct and that next time around micro-perimetry not only “makes the cut” but will be prominently featured. Visual Function in GlaucomaOphthalmologyVol. 118Issue 12PreviewThe recent report from the American Academy of Ophthalmology on current methodology for assessment of visual function in glaucoma1 is timely and comprehensive; however, with all due respect to the distinguished authors, is incomplete. The report fails to notice microperimetry, which is currently used in clinical practice, and which will probably replace standard automated perimetry (SAP) in our offices within the next decade. This bold statement is based on recent developments in clinical practice that are bringing microperimetry very quickly to be the method of choice for assessment of residual visual function in retina cases, as well as in glaucoma. Full-Text PDF

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