
eAssessment of students in engineering courses is specific due to the nature of the teaching, learning and examination process in technical education in general. Students need to write program codes, design electronic schemes, solve mathematical problems, analyze performance of engineering devices, describe solutions graphically, etc. Online assessment has to support the correct authentication of the examinee for guaranteeing trusted online examination process. The TeSLA eAuthentication and authorship analysis system provides a variety of biometric instruments for students’ authentication. Current paper aims to analyze the results of the application of combinations of TeSLA authentication instruments in different engineering and fundamental courses and assessment activities during the pilots of the system conducted at the Technical University of Sofia. The experience gained can be implemented for ensuring trustworthy eAssessment process for students in other engineering courses and assessment activities.eAssessment of students in engineering courses is specific due to the nature of the teaching, learning and examination process in technical education in general. Students need to write program codes, design electronic schemes, solve mathematical problems, analyze performance of engineering devices, describe solutions graphically, etc. Online assessment has to support the correct authentication of the examinee for guaranteeing trusted online examination process. The TeSLA eAuthentication and authorship analysis system provides a variety of biometric instruments for students’ authentication. Current paper aims to analyze the results of the application of combinations of TeSLA authentication instruments in different engineering and fundamental courses and assessment activities during the pilots of the system conducted at the Technical University of Sofia. The experience gained can be implemented for ensuring trustworthy eAssessment process for students in other engineering courses and assessment activities.

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