
There is a growing need for better medical care as a result of the adoption of clever electronic gadgets and the development of cloud and cloudlet technologies. Data collection, storage, and dissemination are the three main steps in the medical data processing chain. The traditional healthcare system frequently requires the transfer of medical data to the cloud, resulting in the use of sensitive user data and communication energy. The exchange of medical information is a crucial and difficult problem. In this study, we suggest a brand-new human services framework that makes use of cloud let's flexibility. Security assurance, information sharing, and intrusion detection are among the components of cloudlets. We apply the Number Theory Research Unit (NTRU) technique to encrypt the user's bodily data gathered by wearable devices during the data gathering phase. This information is then efficiently transferred to nearby cloudlets. We also present a trust model to help users choose reliable partners that want to share cloudlet-stored data.

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