
Now a days, when we login in the website for eg. ya hoo.com, gmail.com and filpkart.com we have to ente r the username & password. But password is in the form of text & many users cr eate password by combining various personal details so it is possible to forge that password. This paper proposed a new approach for pr oviding secured authentication using visual cryptog raphy & stenography. In the proposed work, first user has to select one cover i mage (secret image). Then user has to create one se cret question & also has to provide the answer of that secret question. The ans wer of that question is hiding in the cover image ( using steganography) which is selected by the user. Then we will create the share s of this cover image through visual cryptography. The process of share generation is done at the server, during this process two shar es are generated & one share is given to the user & another is stored in the server. During transmission if attack is performed on the s hare than it is not possible to recover any informa tion from the single share. When the user want to login, user has to provide the use rname & in place of password, user has to upload th e share, which is provided to him/her after the registration, than at the server side both share are superimposed, one which is prov ided to the user & another which is stored in the server, this superimposing or stac king will reveal the cover image (secret image). Fr om this cover image we will extract the answer of secret question. Then we will ask the user to answer the secret question & in th e last we will match both answer of secret question, one which is provided by the us er & another which is extracted from the cover imag e, if both answer are matched than only we will authenticate the user otherwise n ot.

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