
The boom of smart phones brings prosperity to location primarily based services (LBSs) in most social and business sectors, like geo-social networks, merchandizing, marketing and supply. While these LBSs drive new business opportunities, there is a rising necessity from the mobile users to verify the genuineness of service results, such as a list of recommended local restaurants sorted by location and user rating. This issue is even a lot of vital in associate outsourced model where businesses (or data owners) publish their data to a third-party service provider (SP), who handles LBS queries based on these data. As the SP is alleged to manipulate query results in favor of their ―sponsors‖, to sustain growth amid fierce competition, it will provide users not only the results, but also the proof of correctness. We proposed privacy-preserving authentication for location-based range queries. Being the primary work to deal with location privacy in authentication, the techniques can't be applied to alternative queries. As location based publicity and recommendation square measure usually recognized together of the foremost profitable LBS businesses and so provoke the best difference of opinion with their ranking results.

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