
Authenticated dictionaries are a widely discussed paradigm to enable verifiable integrity for data storage on untrusted servers, such as today’s widely used “cloud computing” resources, allowing a server to provide a “proof,” typically in the form of a slice through a cryptographic data structure, that the results of any given query are the correct answer, including that the absence of a query result is correct. Persistent authenticated dictionaries (PADs) further allow queries against older versions of the structure. This research presents implementations of a variety of different PAD algorithms, some based on Merkle tree-style data structures and others based on individually signed “tuple” statements (with and without RSA accumulators). We present system throughput benchmarks, indicating costs in terms of time, storage, and bandwidth as well as considering how much money would be required given standard cloud computing costs. We conclude that Merkle tree PADs are preferable in cases with frequent updates, while tuple-based PADs are preferable with higher query rates. For Merkle tree PADs, red-black trees outperform treaps and skiplists. Applying Sarnak-Tarjan’s versioned node strategy, with a cache of old hashes at every node, to red-black trees yields the fastest Merkle tree PAD implementation, notably using half the memory of the more commonly used mutation-free path copying strategy. For tuple PADs, although we designed and implemented an algorithm using RSA accumulators that offers constant update size, constant storage per update, constant proof size, and sublinear computation per update, we found that RSA accumulators are so expensive that they are never worthwhile. We find that other optimizations in the literature for tuple PADs are more cost-effective.

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