
This chapter focuses on introducing and exploiting a set of authentic assessment tools used in the teaching process to enhance the learning outcomes of high school students in Vietnam. The first section analyzes the current forms of evaluation of student performance, so as to clarify the difficulties encountered during the assessment of student achievement. Given these difficulties, it is recommended to select evaluation methods that enhance the learning results and improve the educational program for high school students in Vietnam. The author then outlines the authentic assessment concept of student learning outcomes; this is one form of assessment used in the teaching process with the goal of evaluating the ability of students to complete tasks in real-life contexts. The third section describes the process of developing an authentic assessment toolkit in the teaching process according to 3 types of standards: Content standards; Standard process; and Standard value. The author then presents the results of the experimental process of using authentic assessment tools in teaching Physics to high school students in Vietnam; at the same time, the impacts of using the toolkit are evaluated and suggestions are made to help students achieve higher learning results, meeting the requirement of reforms in the education program for high school students in Vietnam.

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