
This paper is based on research to identify common factors that contribute to the effective strategic leadership of teaching and learning centres. The second of three phases of data collection involved a survey of Directors of Australian teaching and learning centres. The data collected were quantitatively analysed using a range of descriptive, parametric and non-parametric techniques. Based on a response rate of 81.6 per cent, we present a contemporary, comprehensive and representative quantitative snapshot of Australian teaching and learning centres, as seen through the eyes of their Directors. The time since last restructure, incumbency of the current Director and total Directorship experience of the current Centre Director all have mean values of ‘sometime in the previous 1 to 3 years’. Most Centres would consider their work in the areas of ‘recognition and reward’ and ‘professional development of staff’ as high-impact functions, and they would be pleased with their efforts in the former area, and wish to perform better in the latter. The principal constraint identified by Centres was ‘lack of staff time’, both in the faculties and in the Centre, to engage in teaching and learning improvement activities. Overall, Centres feel well included in relevant university committees and other activities.

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