
Methods and terminology Morphological study for this paper has been performed using a stereo light microscope (SLM), compound light microscope (CLM), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Descriptive terminology is that used by me previously (D. McAlpine 1973a), with some terms further explained by D. McAlpine (2007). Most terms are also defined or illustrated by Harrison (1959) and Crosskey (1973). The antenna is treated as a sixsegmented appendage and the segments are numbered consecutively from the base. Segments 4 to 6 constitute the arista, but segments 5 and 6 are fused in the megastigma group. Length of face (where considered in relation to length of antenna) is measured from the level of the upper margin of the antennal sockets to the level of the centre of the lower margin of the face. Length of antenna in this context excludes the arista. Nomenclature used for the dark transverse bands on the wing (Fig. 1) is that previously used for platystomatids. Because of some diversity of terminology table 1 presents alternative terms used in the Manual of Nearctic Diptera (J. McAlpine 1981, with some particular terms for Platystomatidae by Steyskal 1987). Details regarding type specimens and lists of material have already been given for previously described species (McAlpine 1973a). Such information is here given only for new species.

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