
In this chapter, we review articles on Australian principal leadership published between 2006 and 2013 in the two major publication sources for this research, Leading and Managing and the Journal of Educational Administration, and in two other important Australian educational research journals, the Australian Journal of Education and Australian Educational Researcher. The review updates an earlier important review by Mulford (Overview of research on Australian Educational Leadership 2001–2005. Monograph no. 40. Australian Council for Educational Leaders, Melbourne, 2007). Thematic areas explored include principal development; school improvement; successful school leadership; leading Catholic schools; leading small, rural, and remote schools; focusing on teaching; strategic leadership; governance; and leadership behavior. The chapter concludes by noting that Australian research on educational leadership utilizes a wide range of research methods and is both extensive and worthwhile, but also somewhat idiosyncratic and individualistic. It is suggested that the research could engage more with matters of national importance and with researchers working more collaboratively across universities and research centers. While there are good connections with the international research community, there could be greater connection with international research agendas and greater promotion of the use of Australian research.

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