
This Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia review considers the production and development of oil and gas in Australia over the year 2020. In a challenging year, which included commodity price wars and severe global impacts felt from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Australian industry continued to produce high gas volumes due to sustained liquefied natural gas (LNG) output, and minimal decreases were seen in liquids production. Development approvals for large offshore projects did not materialise as expected in 2020 as operators reduced capital spend and focused on portfolio management in a year when oil prices fell by around USD 45bbl. Critically, all major projects with an financial investment decision (FID) target of 2020/21 were not cancelled, but development decisions were instead deferred. By the end of 2020, domestic-focused gas projects continued to be pursued for development with a target to support the declining resources for the Australian east coast domestic gas market.

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