
Auralization is an invaluable decision-making tool for the acoustical design of restaurants and other public gathering spaces, and accurate modeling and calibration of sound sources is critical to achieving perceptually plausible soundscapes of such spaces. Unlike auralizations of performing arts venues, auralizations of restaurants and public gathering spaces afford owners, architects, and consultants the opportunity to directly experience how difficult (or easy) it is to communicate with others when immersed in the soundscape. Also unlike auralizations of performing arts venues, a realistic auralization of a restaurant or public gathering space must account for the Lombard Effect when calibrating source levels of occupant and activity noise. In this presentation, we will briefly review the history and recent improvements of Acentech’s 3DListening studio in Cambridge, MA, including Lombard Effect modeling. Three recent case studies will be used to illustrate the unique role of auralization in the architectural design process, including a restaurant, a college pub located underneath residences, and a multi-level collaborative, interdisciplinary work space at an independent school.

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