
Clinical teams are facing increasing demands toperform more consistently and efficiently in delivering improvedhealth outcomes. Hospital management team in Korea facedifficulties in complex routine task for nurse, which result inworkforce burnout, fatigue, foot and hip ailments from thenecessary walking during a single shift on corridors asquestionnaire suggested.Three analysis of variance as walkability, visibility andarrangement are applied as programmed attributes from a set ofseven Korean adult intensive care units (ICUs), namely SNUH,SSMU, SCC, DUIH, KUMC, PNUH, YUHS. These ICUs areaccepted as the best- performing prototypes by the KoreanInstitute of Healthcare Architecture as Acute Care Medicine.This study systematically analyses the Nurse Station (NS) visit tothe patient bed, than calculates minimum round route on theICUs depth map plan; with aid of the connectivity on supplychain simulation analytical tool ‘route stop’ of LogWare. It wasfound that the maximum walk was calculated for the singular NSat KUMC where primary NS walks 542.005 feet zigzag path andsecondary NS walks 214.814 feet linear path. Conclusively,ANOVA predicted three optimum arrangements which wereconcentric around NS: L-Shape, U- Space or O- Shape scored 5/5thus walking for nurse reduces and utmost visibility wasillustrated. On the contrary I shape and zigzag pattern wasrecognized as not very efficient arrangement with 2/5 score, dueto an increase in walking and reduction in visibility to the lastpatient in the row.

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