
This class action research explores how to augment sixth graders’ science process skills and learning outcomes on plant breeding materials using the outdoor learning method at SDN 23 Pulubala Gorontalo District. It was class action research. 15 students, eight males and seven females, acted as subjects. Data analysis results and discussion led us to conclusions that (1) students who demonstrated science process skills with a Good category after using the outdoor learning method in Cycle I increased by number in Cycle II, from eight (48%) to 14 (93%). In other words, the increase involved six students (40%), (2) students who achieved learning outcomes with a completeness category after using the outdoor learning method in Cycle I also increased by number in Cycle II, from seven (48%) to 13 (88%). The increase hence involved six students (40%), and (3) the number of students attained a good category after using the outdoor learning method in Cycle I increased by number in Cycle II, from 7 (47%) to 13 (88%). The increase thus involved six students (72%).

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