
The recognition and classification of rice plant diseases require an accurate system to generate classification data. Types of rice diseases can be identified in several ways, one of which is leaf characterization. One method that has high accuracy in identifying plant disease types is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). However, the rice disease data used has unbalanced data which affects the performance of the method. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to apply data augmentation to handle unbalanced rice disease data to improve the performance of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method for rice disease type detection based on leaf images. The method used in this research is the CNN method for detecting rice disease types based on leaf images. The result of this research was the CNN method with 100 epochs able to produce an accuracy of 99.7% in detecting rice diseases based on leaf images with a division of 80% training data (2438 data) and 20% testing data (608 data). The conclusion is that the CNN method with the augmentation process can be used in rice disease detection because it has very high accuracy.

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