
Bali has very diverse tourist objects, including natural tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, and marine tourism. The factor that causes Bali to become a mainstay tourist destination in Indonesia is its uniqueness in its tourism objects, both natural tourism and cultural tourism. Besides, complete tourism facilities and infrastructure also support tourism in Bali. Digital-based promotion is also a blessing and a challenge for the tourism industry. It is a blessing when tourist visits increase due to easy, cheap, and efficient access to tourist information. In this study, researchers developed a tourist attraction visualization application using marker-based Augmented Reality (AR) to promote tourism potential to attract tourists to visit. The Augmented Reality (AR) technology offered can describe real tourist objects by packaging potential tourist objects attractively, so that they can provide different experiences and education in understanding each place or tourist attraction visited. The results of system testing determine the reliability of applications made in this study using three tests, namely 99.6% functional suitability, 100% compatibility, and 90.7% usability.

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