
In this study, we attempted to determine the role of GABA neurotransmission in augmentation of hypoxic respiration by antecedent hyperoxic breathing. The experiments were performed in anesthetized, paralyzed and vagotomized cats divided into control and bicuculline (a GABA(A) receptor blocker)-injected groups. The experimental protocol consisted of exposing the animals to successive hypoxic-hyperoxic-hypoxic conditions. Respiration was assessed using phrenic electroneurograms, from which the peak phrenic height, a surrogate of the tidal volume component, and respiratory rate were obtained, and their product, the respiratory minute output, was calculated. We found that prior hyperoxic ventilation increased the subsequent respiratory response to hypoxia by an average of 23.5%, compared with the preoxygen response. This increase was driven by volume respiration. The biphasic character of the hypoxic respiratory response, consisting of stimulatory and depressant phases, was sustained. Bicuculline abolished the augmentative effect on hypoxic respiration of prior hyperoxia, which suggests that oxygenation induces GABA(A)-mediated hyperexcitability of respiratory neurons, possibly by the liberation of reactive oxygen species. We concluded that GABA neurotransmission is pertinent to the effect of hyperoxia on hypoxic respiratory reactivity.

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