
In the initial state of the normal Auger process the atom is ionized in a core level. The core hole is filled by an outer electron and a second electron is emitted as the Auger electron (Fig. la). There are commonly used symbols for the emitted Auger electrons which are based on x-ray energy level notations and indicate the energy levels of the initial and the two final state core holes. The two final state holes can combine to form several spectroscopic terms with slightly different energies. Within this simple picture wherein we neglect the effects of electrons associated with the primary ionization to the Auger process, the energy of the outgoing Auger electron is given by the difference of the total energy of the system (atom, molecule) in the initial single and the final double hole states, $$ {{\text{E}}_{Aug}}{\text{(ijk;X) = |E(i,N - 1) - E(jk;X,N - 2)|}}{\text{.}} $$ KeywordsAuger ElectronFree AtomAuger SpectrumPosition Sensitive DetectorCore HoleThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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