
Response properties of neurons in an auditory field in the frontal cortex of the mustached bat, Pteronotus parnellii, have not been studied before. We recorded neural responses to constant frequency (CF) stimuli from the frontal auditory field in awake animals. The majority (75%) of neurons in this area responded well and often exhibited low thresholds to CF stimuli. Most CF-responsive neurons exhibited sharp tuning with values of > 180 for Q10db, a quality factor expressing the sharpness of tuning at 10dB above threshold. Neurons at 13 recording sites exhibited combination sensitivity in that their responses were facilitated by presenting combinations of either CF1/CF2 and/or CF1/CF3 components of the mustached bat's echolocation signal. Unlike the typical on-responses to a 30 ms tone, observed in the mustached bat's auditory cortex and at subcortical levels, many frontal auditory neurons exhibited loosely time locked firing patterns that lasted for > 100 ms.

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