
The acquisition of new auditory skills can be facilitated by experiencing a conspecific performing a well-defined behavior (i.e., social learning). Although the neural bases for auditory social learning remain uncertain, one plausible hypothesis is that social experience induces long-term changes to auditory cortex, thereby facilitating the subsequent acquisition of an auditory skill. To explore this idea, we developed a social learning paradigm in which naïve observer gerbils are exposed to a demonstrator that performs an amplitude modulation (AM) rate discrimination task on the other side of an opaque divider. Thus, observers have no access to visual cues. When exposed to a demonstrator for five successive days, observers subsequently acquire the AM task more rapidly than controls. Two experiments suggest that auditory cortex is necessary and sufficient for social learning. First, inactivating the observer’s auditory cortex during each social exposure session significantly delayed task acquisition. Second, recordings from the observer’s auditory cortex revealed that individual neurons displayed a significant improvement in AM stimulus discrimination across the five exposure sessions, and the magnitude of neural improvement correlated with an animal’s subsequent rate of task acquisition. Together, these findings suggest that auditory cortex plasticity plays a pivotal role in social learning.

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