
We encountered a case of auditory agnosia restricted to environmental sounds, which was associated with the development of bilateral subcortical lesions after suffering a bilateral putaminal hemorrhage. The patient had a history of a putaminal hemorrhage on her left side without any major disability. Three years later, she suffered a putaminal hemorrhage on the other side. The clinical picture started with cortical deafness, then changed to generalized auditory agnosia for verbal and environmental sounds, and finally developed into auditory agnosia confined to the perception of environmental sounds. Her errors in a test of sound recognition were discriminative rather than associative in nature. Neuro-radiological examinations revealed bilateral subcortical lesions involving the fibers from the medial geniculate body to the temporal lobes after bilateral putaminal hemorrhage. This case suggested that the subcortical lesion involving bilateral acoustic radiation could cause either cortical deafness, auditory agnosia of all sounds, or auditory agnosia restricted to environmental sounds.

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