
AimsPsychotropic medication is commonly used in people with Intellectual disabilities (ID). This may be attributed in part to an increased prevalence of mental illness in this population and the presence of challenging behaviour which has been shown to increase rates of prescribing. Whilst there are a number of studies looking at regularly prescribed medication there are few studies on “as and when” required (PRN) medication.Psychotropic medication continues to be used to manage behavioural disturbances in people with ID. Where there is no clear cut psychiatric illness, the role of psychotropic medication is an adjunct to a comprehensive multimodal treatment plan.The aim is to find out if prn psychotropic medication for behavioural disturbance is being used appropriately and safely in these individuals.MethodFiles and PRN protocols of individuals known to be using prn psychotropic medications for the management of acute episodes of agitation and behavioural problems and supported by professional staff teams was studied.We collected the data by contacting the residential homes, carers, Collecting details from case notes, from the Staff nurse who made the protocol for their patientsA questionnaire based on the standards mentioned above was developed and files and prn protocols were marked against these standards.ResultThe standards from the medical file were 100 % achieved. Thus indicating the importance of the psychotropic prn medication and documentation of the same.However, the protocol that needs to be with the patient/carers had some lacuna/deficits. Overall only in 53% of the case, standards were achieved. This needs to be highlighted to the team.The Audit gave an insight into what needs to be improved.THE FOLLOWING AREAS NEEDED IMPROVEMENT 1.There should be a prn protocol/ similar instruction to the staff about the use of prn medication(written by appropriately trained professional)2.Prn protocol should be accessible to direct care staff3.There should be a description of when to use the prn medication4.There should be a description of what non-pharmacological de-escalation methods ought to be tried before using prn/ is there a detailed behaviour support plan available5.Protocol should describe what the medication is expected to do6.Protocol should describe the minimum time between doses if the first dose has not worked7.Protocol should state the maximum dose in 24 hour period8.Use of prn should be recordedConclusionI hope this audit will help in improving the patient care with the right psychotropic prn medication, with correct doses and further details as mentioned in the standards of the protocol.We also hope to ensure that in our area, prn psychotropic medication used for agitation and behavioural disturbance is used safely, appropriately and consistently by staff teams. This would be in accordance with the guidelines.


  • Admission clerking is a vital source of information that would be needed for the formulation of patients diagnosis and future management

  • We will audit initially in the first round and plan to introduce a proforma for Clerking and physical examination based on the findings

  • We will re-audit to see if the standards are achieved after using the proforma and will consider a Quality improvement project based on this topic

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BJPsych Open

Despite what would be expected, DNA and cancellation rates in NW CMHT reduced. The contribution of telemedicine to this warrants further exploration as a means of delivering healthcare in an efficient and accessible way. An audit of admission clerking of patients in Heddfan, Adult Mental Health Unit in BCUHB - north Wales. To ensure admission clerking includes salient features needed for the management of both physical and mental health of the patient and to aid in administrative purposes. Admission clerking is a vital source of information that would be needed for the formulation of patients diagnosis and future management. Apart from this, it is needed for further continuity of care. We will audit initially in the first round and plan to introduce a proforma for Clerking and physical examination based on the findings. We will re-audit to see if the standards are achieved after using the proforma and will consider a Quality improvement project based on this topic

Junior doctor daytime bleep audit
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