
<para xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> It is well-known that early integration (also called data fusion) is effective when the modalities are correlated, and late integration (also called decision or opinion fusion) is optimal when modalities are uncorrelated. In this paper, we propose a new multimodal fusion strategy for open-set speaker identification using a combination of early and late integration following canonical correlation analysis (CCA) of speech and lip texture features. We also propose a method for high precision synchronization of the speech and lip features using CCA prior to the proposed fusion. Experimental results show that i) the proposed fusion strategy yields the best equal error rates (EER), which are used to quantify the performance of the fusion strategy for open-set speaker identification, and ii) precise synchronization prior to fusion improves the EER; hence, the best EER is obtained when the proposed synchronization scheme is employed together with the proposed fusion strategy. We note that the proposed fusion strategy outperforms others because the features used in the late integration are truly uncorrelated, since they are output of the CCA analysis. </para>

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