
Civilization relies heavily upon communication, in which hearing ability plays a major role. In many people this function is impaired, either because they cannot express their thoughts by language or because they cannot hear what is being said, Medical treatment provides help for some of these unfortunate individuals and this is improving constantly. However, many can never obtain improved unaided hearing, and to these especially our attention is turned in this presentation.To assist those whose hearing will remain the same or become worse the audiology center has evolved. This center provides medical attention and treatment when it is useful. If the communicative channel thru the ears is notthereby improved enough the Center also provides a re-education program in order to utilize the residual hearing to the best advantage. To accomplish this end the professional ability of many specialists is necessary.Otologists make the first contact with the patients, evaluate the hearing status and direct the training program which is to follow.The psychiatrists with ther staff of psychologists must determine the mental status and abilities of each person seeking help. The possibilities of psychogenic deafness must be determined and this element in the total hearing status presented for clinical consideration.The acoustic physicist provides the apparatus for the complete control of sound with which the clinical staff is occupied in the care of the patient.The Speech Experts and phoniatrists are responsible for speech evaluation, speech correction, speech preservation, and speech reading (lip reading) training.The Social Service and Vocational Guidance Councilors direct the socioeconomic aspects of the individuals, and interpret to the public the ideas and program of the Centers.In the USA 15,000 patients have been benefitted by the already developed Centers under the auspices of the Army, Navy and Veterans Administration. 15 Universities have plans for a center five of which are now in partial operation. Questionaires and statistical analyses of the records show a large majority reporting favourably on such questions as1 Do you still wear yor hearing aid, 94 % Yes2 Is your hearing aid satisfactory 92 % Yes3 Is your job in jeopardy 23 % Yes4 Value of Speech and lip reading 52 % Great help 35 % Moderate helpThe successful results already achieved justify the proposal that audiology centers be in all large centers of population to do research teaching and Auditory Rehabilitation for those who have a handicap of hearing loss.

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