
To describe the audiologic phenotype in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Observational study. Tertiary referral center. One hundred eighty-two patients with genetically confirmed OI, aged 3 to 89 years. Diagnostic hearing evaluation through otoadmittance and acoustic stapedius reflex measurements, pure tone, and speech audiometry. Prevalence, type, severity, symmetry, and audiometric configuration of the hearing loss in OI. Progression of hearing thresholds was determined by constructing age-related typical audiograms. Approximately 52.2% of all OI patients demonstrated hearing loss unilaterally (7.7%) or bilaterally (44.5%). Pure conductive, mixed, and pure sensorineural hearing losses were observed in 8.5%, 37.8%, and 11.6% of OI ears, respectively. Multiple linear regression revealed that thresholds progressed by 0.5 dB/yr at 0.25 kHz to 0.8 dB/yr at 0.8 kHz in the ears with conductive or mixed hearing loss. Pure sensorineural hearing loss progressed by less than 0.1 dB/yr at 0.25 kHz to 1.2 dB/yr at 8.0 kHz. Audiometric configuration was predominantly flat (70.5%) in the ears with conductive/mixed loss and sloping (50.0%) in those with pure sensorineural loss. Patients with OI are at risk for hearing loss. The hearing loss in OI may initiate at a young age and is progressive. However, the rate of progression, as well as the hearing loss severity, onset, and configuration depend on the type of hearing loss, which may be conductive/mixed or pure sensorineural. For both types, age-related threshold audiograms are constructed and may help the clinician to estimate the course of the hearing loss in patients with OI. In addition, they may be valuable to distinguish between hearing loss associated with OI and other similar forms of hearing loss, such as in otosclerosis.

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